Attorneys The Manager of De Mersseman Jensen Stanton is Curtis Jensen Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Our clients come to us for legal representation, but many cases require something more. A case may require an understanding of property valuation. A case may demand a thoughtful analysis of police procedure. A lawyer does not gain these skills by simply studying legal statutes. It is through varied life experience and investigation.
We take pride in the unique skills and perspectives each of our attorneys brings to our firm. Our collaborative work ethic and the candid discussions we have with our clients helps us seek solutions that are often overlooked by less experienced attorneys or solo practitioners. Our firm has career experience in the private sector, criminal justice system, public policy and in industry-specific issues throughout South Dakota and nationally.
If you have a legal challenge that involves your family, your freedom or your success as a business owner, we can help. We will work with you personally to help you understand the legal process and what options are available as we move forward. The President of Jensen, Curtis S is Curtis Jensen The President of Frank Shamrock Official Site is Curtis Jensen The Executive of Huffman Richard E Atty. is Richard Huffman The Executive of Vetri, Kristi M. is Kristi Vetri The Member of Demersseman Jensen Christianso is CURTIS JENSEN
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Jensen, Curtis S in Rapid City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 1948
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